Flightless Shortcake: Strawberry-Kiwi Cider

Today I started the next cider! Since I know it takes roughly 3 months now to make the cider the best it will be, I am unofficially calling it a birthday cider since I will be turning 23 in (less than) 3 months! It will be done just in time to celebrate!

So this is one is a strawberry-kiwi cider, which could be interesting. For this cider I used some generic apple juice and then some strawberry-kiwi concentrate from Winco. The list of ingredients are as follows:

~1 gallon of Apple Juice

2C Strawberry-Kiwi concentrate

6T white sugar


Pectic enzyme

I poured about half of the apple juice into the carboy before I poured all of the sugar and concentrate, which was followed up by the rest of the apple juice. After adding the yeast and some pectic enzyme, I closed up the carboy and put it in the closet! We will see how it’s doing in 2-3 weeks!


The melted concentrate


See you in two-three weeks!

UPDATE 6/3: After a few days the cider is going crazy! I was standing in my bathroom when I heard a sound that made me think it was a faucet dripping. But, it was my cider fermenting!


Here’s proof of the crazy fermentation!

UPDATE 6/30: I have decided that the name will be Flightless Shortcake because kiwis are flightless birds and strawberries can be found in shortcake form. Thank you to Eric for this name!

UPDATE 7/9: Flightless Shortcake is bottled! I took a small taste afterwards and I can tell that it is going to be pretty good! It definitely has more of a wine feel to it (sharper and flat), but it still has a month in the bottles so it might form more of a ciderness during that time. After the one and a half months of fermentation, the cider has retained it’s dark amber color, even though it does not really seem to in the picture below of the single glass pour. Trust me! It doesn’t look as yellow as a normal apple cider.

In one month, I will pop open a bottle and give the final word!

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